Sunday, January 13, 2013

Psalm 23:2  
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters

Promise #13: I will give you rest in green pastures and lead you to still waters.

Psalm 23 is one of my most favorite psalms. In this one chapter, King David draws from his experience of being a shepherd boy to build an analogy of the Lord's shepherding heart towards us. In John 10:11, Jesus clearly makes the connection to Psalm 23 by telling us that He is the Great Shepherd who wholeheartedly gives His life for His sheep... I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. (WEB)

Everything that a shepherd does is for the benefit of the sheep. In today's promise, we read how David writes that the Lord makes him lie down in green pastures and He leads him beside still waters. In the hustle and bustle of life, we all need to find rest in green pastures. It is interesting to note that David says that the Lord makes him lie down in green pastures. Maybe there are times in our lives where the Lord will make us rest even if we don't think we need it?

May the Great Shepherd of the sheep give you the rest you need today in His rich green pastures and may He lead you to still waters to find refreshment so that you can continue your journey under His watchful care

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