Friday, February 3, 2012

Raise Your Expectation

Dr.Creflo Dollar
I often tell my congregation, “Expectation is the breeding ground for miracles.” In order to receive from the Lord, we must expect Him to show up and show out in our lives. Without a fervent sense of expectancy, all we are doing is taking part in religious exercises that have no power behind them. It is time for Believers to start expecting God to do some great and mighty things in our lives.
Many Christians pray, read their Bibles, go to church, and serve in various capacities in ministry, but when it comes to the promises of God leaping off the pages of the Bible and manifesting in their lives, their faith levels are really low. They say they believe but they really do not, nor do they really expect God to come through on His Word. This is not the way Christians should live.
God wants us to release our faith for everything we need and desire. He wants you to expand your capacity to receive by believing Him for BIG things! When you read a scripture from His Word, and receive it in your heart, without doubt, you should absolutely expect it to come to pass. There should be no question in your mind that what God said is exactly what He will do.
I like the example of the man at the Gate called Beautiful, in the book of Acts. Acts 3:2-5 recounts the scene:
And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked alms. And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.”
            This man received his healing because he expected to get something from Peter and John. He had his neck outstretched and his faith engaged. As a result, he was able to leap to his feet.
I wonder how many Christians could have already experienced the manifestation of the things they are believing from the Word, if only they would walk in unwavering expectation. There are no limits to what God can do, and if you can believe for what seems impossible, He will do it.
Expectation also means dreaming big. Do not limit God because of what your past experiences have been, or based on what others may say. Sometimes you will have to get “out of the box” so to speak, in order to receive bigger and better things from God. If you can find it in the Word of God, and you have the faith for it, you will possess it. You are not waiting on God; He is waiting on you! Walk in expectation and watch your dreams become a reality.

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