Saturday, March 31, 2012

Don’t Just Think About It, Do It!

Scripture tells us in James 5:16 that, "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." That means we have been given the power through prayer to make changes in our lives, in our homes, in our relationships and in our world. That's why it's so important to take time to pray every day, especially for your family—your immediate family, your extended family, and even your church family. Every person in your family has been given to you by God. They may not always act right; they may not always treat you right; they may not say the right things all the time, but we still have a responsibility to lift them up in prayer. Even if the relationship is not what it needs to be, God can use your prayers to turn things around. Prayer is God's vehicle for change!

I know sometimes family relationships can be the most difficult. There can be pain, hurt and offense; but when you pray, you are opening the door for God's healing in your life and in your relationships. God doesn't want you to go through life carrying a load of heartache and offense. He doesn't want us to be prisoners of pain. I talk to so many people who have been hurt by family members—someone walked out on them, a child's not living the right way—but I want you to know, if you want to be free, you have to begin to pray past the pain. Luke 6:28 tells us to bless those who curse us and pray for those who mistreat us. When we do the right thing, even when the wrong thing is happening, God will turn things around for our good and bless us beyond our wildest dreams.

I want to encourage you today, when you feel that unction in your heart to pray for a family member or when they simply come to mind out of the blue, don't ignore it! Even if you haven't talked to them in years, that's how the Holy Spirit prompts you to pray for that person. You never know what may be going on in their life, and how your prayer may be the prayer that changes everything.

Remember, God loves you so much today. He wants to restore you He wants to restore your family. He has a great future planned for you. Stand in faith, keep believing, and keep praying because there's nothing too difficult for Him. Even if you don't feel like it, take a step of faith because God sees your obedience to Him. He'll honor you because you've honored His Word. Don't give up even if something is taking longer than you thought. God is a faithful God, and He is working behind the scenes on your behalf to bring restoration to every area of your life!

Adding to Your Life

In scripture, there is a man by the name of Hezekiah. Hezekiah was a good man. He was a leader who loved and honored God and stood for righteousness. He led the people with integrity. In the prime of his career, suddenly, he got very sick. Hezekiah's mentor was the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah came to the palace and said, "Hezekiah, I have a word from the Lord for you. God says, 'Set your house in order for you shall surely die.'" He pronounced a death sentence over Hezekiah. Up until that point, all of Isaiah's prophecies had come true. He had a proven track record.

After delivering the prophecy, Isaiah turned around and began to walk out of the palace. Hezekiah began to pray out loud and ask God to give him more years. He reminded God of all the good things he had done as a ruler, how he had gotten rid of idols and had encouraged the people to worship. He was pleading his case, but Isaiah just kept on walking out. Nothing had changed. Hezekiah said, "God, I deserve more years! I've done my best. I've lived with integrity." But Isaiah just kept on walking.

Finally, Hezekiah decided to try a different approach. Instead of telling God how good he was and listing all of his personal accomplishments, Hezekiah began to give God praise. He began to thank God for who He was and what He had done. Hezekiah made the statement, "God, the grave cannot give You praise!" At that very moment, Isaiah stopped in his tracks. He turned back around. God spoke to Isaiah and said, "I want you to go back and tell King Hezekiah that if he is going to praise Me, I will give him fifteen more years. If he is going to praise Me, it's a different story. I'll add to his life."

What am I saying? There is power in your praise! Your praise can even change God's mind. You don't have to tell God how good you are or how much you deserve something. Just praise Him for who He is and what He has done. Praise Him for His greatness.

Today, I'm asking us to turn up the praise. God said, "If you don't praise Me, the rocks will cry out." Our attitude should be, "No rocks are going to have to cry out for me. I'm going to sing for joy! I'm going to shout unto God. I'm going to have high praises coming out of my mouth." Remember, praise is where the battle is won. When you praise, supernatural doors open. When you praise, chains are broken. Live a life of praise because praise will add to your life!

Friday, March 30, 2012


Chairperson(Pu.Tawk Cung)                    Sermon(Saya John Lung)

1). Praise & Worship                              

2). Openingprayer                       ……………………..Pu Tawk Cung

3). Opening Hym                           …………….No. 138(The Old Rugged Cross)

4). Annount: & Witness (Passion Of Christ)        .......Tuanvo ngeitu

5). Hla solo                                 …………………………Mercy

6). Zapi caah thlacam                   …………………….Saya Stanley

7). Thawhlawm kholhnak            ………………………Solo: Marcus Nu

8). Thawhlawm caah thlacam       ……………….Pu Daniel Vai Thang

9).  Groupsong                            ……………………….Saya Stanley & friends

10). Sermon                                …………………………Saya John Lung 

11).Zapi hla                         …………………………No.120( Near The Cross)

12).Closing prayer                 …………………………Saya John Lung

Today's Word with Joel and Victoria

Constantly Speak
I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises”
(Psalm 34:1, NLT)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
When you wake up in the morning, do you expect the goodness of God in your life? Do you set the tone of the day for success, favor and blessing with your words? Scripture tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. That’s why it’s so important to declare praises to God all throughout the day. Things may be bad all around you, people may be negative, complaining and discouraged, but don’t let that spirit rub off on you. The worse it gets, the brighter you’re going to shine. The good news is that no matter how you feel, no matter what’s going on around you, you can choose your words. There’s nothing that can stop you from constantly speaking His Word!
Today I encourage you, be determined to set the tone for your day, week, month and year by praising God and speaking words of faith over your future. Remember, when you put God first, He promises to honor you. He will pour out His favor on you and lead you into life, health, strength and blessing all the days of your life.